Myth Exchange


Attenion: I did a re-write and a lot has changed, what you read here is still pretty much accurate. The rest is being re-worked atm. The Lore section will be back up when I've finalized it (again.) I'm also working on re-writing/updating the characters, so I've take those links down for now.

Modern Earth with fantasy elements. The supernatural, mythical and mundane have always existed side by side. Humanoids such as demihumans, elves, orcs, fey, werewolves, vampires, hybrids, etc are examples of non-humans that live in the world. While many mystical creatures have inherent magical abilities and powers, magic itself is rare for the more common, mortal beings. Mages and sorcerers are tightly controlled and must be registered with a several centuries old global organization dubbed “L’Association de la Flamme et des Entraves” aka “LAFE.” Different pocket dimensions and realms abut Earth and the passages between them are guarded either by powerful creatures, gods or the LAFE. Many magically based supernatural beings can move between realms at will. Most humans or other non-magical humanoids can only access them through places know colloquially as “Myth Exchanges,” “Exchanges,” Stitches” or “Veils.”


Nothing yet!


  • Characters and backgrounds generated by Midjourney.

  • Edited in the GIMP.